# Write to Excel Files in Real-Time

Paid feature

The Enable Excel output option instantly writes the output to a an Excel file in your computer when a new barcode is scanned.

# Instructions

# Step 1 – Open the server settings

# Step 2 – Enable the Enable Excel output option

# Step 3 – Save the settings

Click Save & Apply

You are done. Now the scans will be automatically appended to the file you selected.

# Dynamic file names

You can save the scans in different files based on dynamic variables such as the name of the smartphone that is acquiring the barcode.

Examples are:

C:\Users\admin\Desktop\scans\{{ device_name }}.csv

C:\Users\admin\Desktop\scans\{{ date }}_inventory\output.csv

C:\Users\admin\Desktop\scans\{{ static_text }}.csv

You can see it in action in this video: